© 2009-2015 Ivan Rabak. All rights reserved.

Friday, May 21, 2010

the olympic peninsula, wa

olympic national park is surrounded by the pacific highway 101.

ovaj sam put vukao na planinarenje svoje digitalno oruđe pa možte o'ma uživat, sa vlastite stolice, friške slike prošlo-vikendske ekspedicije.

this post will sprout sequel posts. that much is for sure. i know that because my computer tells me intelligently how many selected files i have in the olympic folder. and they are all winners, naturally. you would agree if you hiked these trails. if you haven't the true sense can be obtained, for all one knows, by highly magnifying the glimpse of the beauty provided by my avid photo examples below.
the sequence starts with the camp site even though the photo-documented adventure started out on a ferry.

mnogi od vas će se odmah pitati kako li se sijatl trajekt služba nosi u komparativnoj analizi s neprikosnovenom jadrolinijom naše zemlje. strpite se do sljedećeg broja.

it was hard to pick out photos that don't have bodhi or tina or both in them. i think photos without them don't have the magnitude to be on this unique blog rare in its faint artistic striver in the vastness of blogosphere. so i put one at the beginning and one at the end. mountains in the middle. snow on top of them. us gaining altitude.

to rest the eye from the mountains akin to cleansing the ear to identify a next chord i present a bouquet, totally out of the story line, growing on the top of the trail. it is located on almost barren topsoil partly covered by large snow patches. it appears like cancer of beauty growing on dull land.

the organizer on the mountain top.

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