© 2009-2015 Ivan Rabak. All rights reserved.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

a day at the museum

sure, thanksgiving w/ the ghurlfriend sounded awesome but what i really really wanted this thanksgiving was to have my picture taken next to the petrified rocky balboa. [insert my favorite curse here], i forgot to pack my halloween-themed kitchen mittens!

i stand by the circus of excitement envious of others, and admire the view through the cropped-sensor viewfinder. oh, the 0.71X magnification, where are thou?

i felt that the hung artists wanted their work photographed in black and white. at least i didn't use the flash. they would have liked that! what they really would have liked was the convenience of the flush. sooo after their time.
i wonder which ones here money can't buy?

once they come to their curator senses, david will be able to begin to appreciate the photo of sour cherries and a fly set against bokeh circles instead of the bunched up stale sunflowers in a likely locally and sustainably made vase.

hidden from the views of the aforementioned others we raise our tender-skin hands for a moment allowing tina to capture the moment of eye-of-the-tiger victory forever. or until the hard drive zero-oned with the photo fails.


  1. A jal to oreginal 1 909 na trecoj sliki, il je izrezato iz kalamdara? I zast ti nemas take ljepe okvire na svojim slikama?

  2. sunflowers (F.455), repetition of the 3rd version. oil on canvas, 92 × 72.5 cm.
    reference: wikipedia
    ja nemati tako lijepe okvire bikoz se bojati da okviri odvući oko nervoznog gledatelja od autopotreta i višeslojnosti umjetnikovog znakovlja na izričito bogatoj, autoktonoj osnovi kraja 20. stoljeća. jel sad jasno? hvala.

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